Wellness Seminar
Karen McCaugherty, School Social Worker
Colloquium Description:
This colloquium will explore the factors that contribute to feeling good about yourself. The topics covered will include stress management, diet and nutrition, exercise, time management, finding joy in your life, having positive relationships with others, identifying your strengths and weaknesses, and developing an understanding of what things you can control in your life. Students will begin with taking an inventory of themselves. Each student will select a topic for research and then do a presentation for the class.
Click on the thumbnails to view pictures of this colloquium
- Sam Adams
- Maria Bught
- Alison Costa
- Sheryl DeLeon
- Katie Delles
- Ellen Guswiler
- Nathan Helwig
- Jason Jaramillo
- Stanley Kosyla
- George Mata
- Fahlyn Murie
- Nhung Nguyen
- Dawn Padilla
- Jeanne Pham
- Samantha Pierce
- Lindsey Realmuto
- Jenny Sanchez
- Justin Sheffield
- Carter Sims
- Morgan Squiers
- Jamie Vidinich