This colloquium's sponsors are Mr.Yanek and Dr. Gazda
This web page was created by Ben Nogly

************Mission Statement************

This workshop will focus on the design and maintenance of the Virtual Northside College Prep Web Page. It is a unique opportunity to bring together students with skills in logical reasoning, visual and organizational aptitude, and creative writing. No previous experience in web page design is necessary. Each student will be responsible for various components of the web page whether it concerns collecting information, design, implementation, and/or uploading specific assigned pages.

These Are The Students Currently Enrolled In This Colloquium
Usama Ahmad
Peter Alonso

Justan Avakian
Chris Blume

Sean Conejos

Peter Czarny
Mark Flatley

Umair Jabbar

Konrad Kopek

Wish Lam

Jimmy Le

Peter Maksimowicz
Ricky Martinez

Sebastian Nawrocki
Ben Nogly

Scott Price

Abid Shariff

Amier Siddique
Ingrid Wickland

Stephen Wooten

David Zaya

George Alexiades
Charles Ferret

Aaron Kleitzing