European Union
Headed by Virginia Apel
Explore the country involved in the forming the most revolutionary political form of the late 20th century and their reasons for establishing the European Union. Evaluate the requirements for membership and the advantages and disadvantages for member nations. Colloquium requires requires some research, trips to consulates and other related European activities and achieves participation and discussion during colloquium meetings...
Students In The European Union Colloquium:
Matt Berger |
Josh Padilla |
Cameron Borders |
Peter Ravoori |
Racheal Dudamalinkski |
Aslam Rawoof |
Teresa Gamble |
Matt Rengert |
Phil Inzurriage |
Matthew Renkosiak |
David Jun |
Brain Rix |
Michael Keenan |
Margaret Rog |
Martin Klein |
Paul Roszczewski |
Aaron Kletzing |
Zina Simonaitis |
Chris Longyne |
Ben Steel |
Paul McDaniel |
Jose Vanegas |
=) |
Dana Villanueva |
This site was made by Jimmy Lee |
Michael Wing |