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Northside News

Create Fiction/Non-Fiction with Local Authors

Sponsor: Ms. Ozment

Attention all dabblers in short stories and creative non-fiction: Come express yourself in a writing workshop taught in conjunction with the Guild Complex, a local literary organization. We'll invite professional writers and spoken work performances to show us how they make their words sing. Each week we'll read our pieces aloud and guide each other as we try - as Hemingway put it - to "get the words right." We'll take field trips to professional literary events, and students will be strongly encouraged to read a piece of prose at one open mic night at the Chopin Theater. All skill levels welcome.

Students pay close attention to their fellow classmate's presentation
What students are currently participating in this colloquium?

Marco Bassett
Brady Chalmers
Jessie Dargiel
John Fitzgerald
Andrew Haywood
Grace Hussar
Cindy Lys
Lauren McCune
Jacob Murphy
Meagan Murphy
Emily Newton
Peggy Sue Piedra
Aisling Roche
Augustine Sohn
Allison Staiger
Megan Sullivan
Justin Thomas
Michael Vinakos
Marisa Wallin
Rebecca Welch
Vanesa Zendejas

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