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Northside News

Kelly Mest, English Department

Students will write and illustrate a book geared towards the elementary school audience. Books may include, poetry, short stories, or plays. After completing the books, Northside students will travel to various elementary schools to bring their works of literature to life for the younger students.

Note: Books will be bound.

Here is a group shot of the students who are in the Children's Literature Colloquium.

Here are the students that are participating in this colloquium.

  • Kristine Aguilan
  • Jennifer Kizer
  • Emily Chase-Ziolek
  • Sara Malecki
  • Heather Common
  • Thao Ngo
  • Edric Del Leola
  • Curtis Norcik
  • Steven Donohue
  • Megan O'Donohue
  • Melissa Esparzam
  • Charles Rose
  • Katherine Flores
  • Frederick Umerez
  • Jeyson Florez
  • Mieka van der Ploeg
  • Angela Golden
  • Ben Weinberg
  • Alison Heineman
  • Odishoo Younan
  • Jasmine Kaufman

    I also interviewed the teacher of this colloquium, Mrs. Mest and got some information about the colloquium from her.

    Q. What do you enjoy most about this colloquium?

    A. I enjoy the fact that we get to go out and interact with younger children.

    Q. Do you have any upcoming projects?

    A. Next week (October 4th, 2000) we plan to have illustration workshop where the students will learn the basics of drawing illustrations for books. We also plan to have a professional storyteller come in sometime soon so that the students can earn experience in telling stories to younger children and other audiences.

    Q. What is the overall idea of this colloquium?

    A. The overall idea of this colloquium is that it gives us a opportunity to learn about children's literature. We get to learn how to create it and write children's literature. We also learn how to draw illustrations for children's literature and how to publish it.

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