Humanities With Amnesty International
Sponsor: Ms. Beverly Palmer, social sciences department
Room: 229, 2nd floor
Political activism and various aspects of the humanities will be thoroughly examined through the studying and application of Case Studies from Amnesty International.
What Northside students are currently participating in this colloquium?
Maria Bruno
Chrizita Calixto
Haeri Kim
Mylien Le
Anna Lucans
Brian Mark
John Pappas
Ann Peterson
Kate Saetang
Keith Sherrill
Francis Sohn
Rob Hack |
The course instructor, Ms. Beverly Palmer remains strongly optimistic that her colloquium can make its voice heard. She stresses to her students the "importance of human rights--not only in the United States, but throughout the world."
Robert Hack, a sophomore, spoke excitedly about how interesting the group discussions had become: "There is lots of talking about popular issues." Rob is looking forward to dealing with issues surrounding the methods of torture being used in Sierra Leone.
Mylien Le is also eager to become active in this colloquium. "I learn a lot, and I am able to raise the issues I have become concerned with. Class discussions are very intuitive and comfortable." Mylien also attests to the fact that she is learning new things every class, such as the female circumcision. Mylien is looking most forward to dealing with the issues encompassing banned books, being imprisoned for ideas, and female prison abuse.
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