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The Real Indiana Jones: Explorations in Archeology

Therese Schiltz, library
Heinz Schwinge, social science

Participants learned about archeological techniques and became familiar with some major archeological sites. They were given an opportunity to study a civilization or topic of interest to them. The culminating activity was the production of a research proposal relevant to the topic.

Name Advisory "Each participant in the archeology colloquium has developed a presentation based upon one aspect of archeology. Topics range from various burial customs (since burials are often very informative sources about peoples' culture) to the contribution archeology can make to the historical record, to the application of computers to enhance our knowledge of earlier civilizations.
In addition to the project, participants have engaged in simulations, listened to an ethnographer studying the Maya, and examined artifacts in a nearby cemetery."

Therese Schiltz
and Heinz Schwinge

George Alexiades302
Julian Beltran305
Katrina Beltran306
Nathaniel Helwig300
Casey Kolasinski317
Daniel Kopanke300
Stanley Kosyla309
Blaise Larmee304
Robert Lenon101
Saad Mansuri309
Keron Mitchell300
Emmanuel Raguay202
Venessa Rodriguez100
Greg Schmucker303
Anthony Sixto313
Richard Soti301
Teri Sutter200
Zorel Zambrano101

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