Motion Detectors, Light Sensors, and other Gadgets
Headed by
James Lynn, Math Department
Real-time data colloection devices will be used to performmathematical and scientific investigations.
With the aid of thedevices, we will measure the dissolved oxygen content in the river, perform air
quality test; study the physics of falling objects; and collect data on moving objects on moving objects
(e.g., cars onKedzie Avenue). The data collection devices will be interfaced with grphing calculators
and computers. These are the involved in this colloquim.
1. Alexander Clare
2. Peter Rosenberg
3. Matthew Rozak
4. Nelson Torres
5. Justin Sheffield
6. Benjamin Steel
7. Francis Costanzo
8. Timothy Brennan
9. Odishoo Youhan
10. Hassan Khan
11. Samuel Adams
12. Ben Nogly
13. Joel Winchell
14. Michael Wing
15. Christopher Guillen |